How many shots does it take to get drunk

How many shots does it take to get drunk? It depends from one person to the other. There are some factors to be taken into consideration like their size, frequency and if or not they have consumed anything recently.

Alcohol consumption & Metabolism

Since alcohol enters your upper gastrointestinal tract, the stomach lining absorbs it and enters the bloodstream.

NIAAA (National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse) states that alcohol enters very quickly into the bloodstream. It is then carried all over the body and then into the brain.

However, its movement is likely to slow down, if food is present in the stomach, since alcohol absorption slows down. Otherwise, alcohol is absorbed by the human body very quickly. Its effects start to show in just 10 minutes.

Why you feel drunk?

Why you feel drunk

Alcohol tends to have a significant effect on different body organs and systems. This, in turn, causes sensations, people generally relate to feeling drunk.

Given below are few of the effects that you are likely to feel:

  • It releases neurotransmitter dopamine, thereby offering relaxation feeling.
  • Alcohol affects the brain, thus depressing central nervous system.
  • It activates gamma-aminobutyric acid, thus providing that calm effect.
  • It downregulates glutamate. it results in slow response of your brain towards stimuli.

What are the effects felt with alcohol intoxication?

  • Reduced inhibitions
  • Slurred speech
  • Confusion
  • Impairing motor abilities
  • Concentration problems
  • Memory problems

Some extreme intoxication effects may include coma, breathing problems and even death in rare cases.

What are the levels of intoxication?

In the U.S., the standard legal intoxication is 0.08% BAC. People may get intoxicated at even lower levels. How many shots does it take to get drunk?

It takes just about 10 minutes time for alcohol to enter your bloodstream in empty stomach. Increase in BAC results in more impairment caused by intoxication effects.

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