How Much Do Surgical Interns Make

Surgical interns make $47,000 per year according to United States Bureau.

On the other hand, according to ZipRecruiter, the states that pay the best doctors are New York and Massachusetts and the worst are Florida and North Carolina.

In the United States, the health professions are in high demand for workers, including doctors.

This article reports on the current median medical salaries in the US and by specialty, based on the 29 highest paid.

In addition, what are the options for foreign doctors to work as a doctor in this country?

Median earnings of physicians in the United States overall and by specialty

Median earnings of physicians in the United States overall and by specialty

According to current data from Medscape Physician Compensation Report, the median salary for physicians in the United States is $ 299,000 per year, rising to $ 329,000 if only the salaries of specialists are counted.

To arrive at these data, Medscape analyzed the salary information of 200,000 doctors, which also resulted in that of the 44 medical specialties that currently exist in the United States, the following are the 29 best-paid specialties:

  • Plastic Surgery: $ 501,000 / year
  • Orthopedics: $ 497,000 / year
  • Cardiology: $ 423,000 / year
  • Gastroenterology: $ 408,000 / year
  • Radiology: $ 401,000
  • Dermatology: $ 309,930 / year
  • Anesthesiology: $ 386,000 / year
  • Otolaryngology: $ 383,000 / year
  • Urology: $ 373,000 / year
  •  Oncology: $ 363,000 / year
  • Ophthalmology: $ 357,000 / year
  • Critical Care: $ 354,000 / year
  • ER (Emergencies): $ 350,000 / year
  • General Surgery: $ 322,000 / year
  • Lung: $ 321,000 / year
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology: $ 300,000 / year
  • Nephrology: $ 294,000 / year
  • Pathology: $ 386,000 / year
  • Psychiatry: $ 273,000 / year
  • Allergies and Immunology: $ 272,000
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: $ 269,000 / year
  • Rheumatology: $ 257,000 / year
  • Neurology: $ 244,000 / year
  • Infectious Diseases: $ 231,000 / year
  • Internal Medicine: $ 230,000 / year
  • Family Medicine: $ 219,000 / year
  • Diabetes and Endocrine: $ 212,000 / year
  • Pediatrics: $ 212,000 / year
  • Public and Preventive Health: $ 199,000 / year

In addition

In addition, it should be noted that there are large variations in what doctors earn not only taking into account the specialty, but also the years of experience, the institution or company for which they work and even gender and status.

Finally, it should be noted that in addition to Medscape, other companies calculate how much US doctors earn.

For example, according to Glassdoor, the average income is $ 246,291 / year and according to ZipRecruiter, it is even lower, setting this amount at $ 204,611.

Demand for doctors in the US for the coming years
According to an estimate by the Association of American Medical Schools, 100,000 more places will need to be filled within the medical profession until the year 20130.

How to calculate the salary of an intern?

His remuneration is fixed by computing the salary of the category assimilable to the intern’s activity, corresponding to the collective labor agreement applicable to the company that hires him.

The allowance that corresponds to you will be proportional to the workload of your internship. Example:

If the salary of the agreement involved amounts to $ 12,000 for an ordinary day of 48 hours. weekly and your internship have an hourly load of 16 hours.

weekly, your allowance will be equal to 1/3 of that salary (1/3 of $ 12,000 = $ 4,000).

The base salary for calculation must include the additional agreements that are compatible with the nature of the internship and if there are variable remunerations (such as commissions), the average that they show during the last 3 months will be taken.

In those cases in which there is more than one agreement, the one that is most beneficial to you should be applied, while if there is none, the minimum, vital and mobile salary will be used instead of the conventional salary.

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