How to be a good AA sponsor

Sponsoring a member of Alcoholics Anonymous can help that person stay sober. The sponsoring AA is usually a person who is also a recovering alcoholic.


AA groups tend to look at individual circumstances when considering sponsorship, rather than posting strict rules, but there are several things to consider if you are considering how to be a good AA sponsor.


Guidelines to be a good sponsor:

 If you want to be a good sponsor as AA, think about your circumstances.

If you have been attending AA meetings regularly for some time and think you are ready to use some of your experience to help a newer member, step up to become an AA sponsor.

Each AA group can decide on the best method of assigning sponsors to newcomers. Make your interest known to your organizing group RA or secretary, who can advise on what happens next.


Commitment is the key:


Always consider whether you have enough time and patience to commit to someone else. You may have to help them through some tough times, and you must make sure that you don’t break your promise to be there for him/her when they need you.


You should always be flexible with your schedule. Each AA member is an individual and can respond in different ways. Observe how the individual you are sponsoring is giving a response to you, and adapt accordingly.

For example, one member may respond better to take a personal interest in him, while another member may prefer a more efficient approach.


To conclude, if you want to know how to be a good AA sponsor, you must have the qualities such as patience, compassion and a better understanding.

You have to communicate and be kind to them. You can also share your story and have a positive talk with them.

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