How to get coconut oil out of clothes

Coconut oil is extracted from coconut. Coconut tree grow on tropical beaches. Coconuts consist of a high amount of fatty acid. When this oil comes in contact with any kind of fabric natural or man-made it causes stain. Coconut oil stains from clothing, beddings, and carpets are tough to remove. Now question is how to get coconut oil out of clothes.

Removing the coconut oil stains from clothes time is important. If you start to remove stains from clothes as soon as they got stained, then the success rate is high. An old stain from coconut oil is difficult to remove. Proper detergent and absorbent should be used to remove the stains.

How do you get coconut oil stains out of clothes?

We can get rid of Coconut oil stains in different ways. The method you choose will be dependent on either which item of oil has stained or the age of the stain. Some of the methods are listed below:

Dishwashing liquid: Apply dishwashing liquid or soap on the stained area of the cloth. Let it get properly absorbed into the stained area. Wash it with hot water, it will dissolve the oil. Don’t use cold water.

Baking soda or Cornstarch: Cornstarch or baking soda or any other kind of absorbent can be used to remove the oil stain. Use a paper towel or simple towel to remove the coconut oil from the surface of the stain.

Apply any of the above-mentioned absorbents on the stain and let it clump for 10-30 minutes. Remove absorbent with help of a thin card or toothbrush. Wash it with hot water.

Oxygen bleach: Add Oxygen Bleach into hot water, mix it until it is dissolved. Soak the stained clothes into the solution for about 2 hours. Afterward, wash it with hot water and proper detergent.

To remove stains from a different kind of clothing some methods are listed below:
Delicate clothing: If delicate clothes get stained, too much rubbing or using bleach or baking soda can destroy the texture of clothes. You can use a baby powder as an absorbent to remove stains instead of baking soda. Rub it off with your finger or soft brush. You can add little dishwashing soap if needed.

Colored fabric: Baking soda and hot water can affect the color of dark or colored fabric. For this, swap baking soda with cornstarch.
Polyester fabric: For polyester fabric, you cannot use hot water but you can use baking powder. Wash polyester fabric with cold water and air dry them.


Coconut oil stains are greasy and hard to remove depending on how old the stain is. Coconut oil stains are difficult to remove because coconut oil consists of fats and fats are not soluble in water.

Hot water can dissolve fat but cold water cannot. So always use hot water to remove fat stains. Using dishwashing soap or liquid or baking soda with hot water helps dissolve the fat into water.

If you want to know how to get coconut oil out of clothes; must read the following instructions.

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