How to get rid of a kink in your neck

First, we should know what is kink in the neck, what are its causes, and how to get rid of kink in your neck.

What is a kink in a neck? 

Generally, it is a weakness of the neck muscles.

It is caused due to poor posture or misuse of the muscles. It’s also known as stiff neck.

Common causes:

A most common cause of a stiff neck is a muscle strain or soft tissue sprain. In this levator scapulae muscles. Which is located at the back and side of the neck. Which connects the cervical spine to the shoulder.


When you have a stiff neck, soreness and restricted range of motion can make routine activities difficult. Symptoms may last from just a day or two to a couple of weeks.

Maybe it’s accomplished by a headache, shoulder pain, and/or pain that may radiate down your arm.

How to get rid of a kink in your neck? 

For minor common causes:

Apply ice or a hot pack to the painful area

Do slow range-of-motion exercises like side to side, rotation, up and down, and from ear to ear

Roll your shoulders backward and down 10 times

Squeeze your shoulders blades together 10 times

Take care when you sleep

While sleeping takes care, do not use a pillow under your head that is too thin or too thick, it can worsen your condition.

Avoid sleeping in awkward positions.

Don’t sit in the same posture for a longer period. Do some neck & arm stretching.

Like, if you are a computer worker then take care of your working position and manage your computer screen to your neck level. It cannot be too low or too high, it can also lead to consequences and may aggravate the pain.

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