How to say fuck you in Spanish

Spanish as a language: Spanish is an interesting language to learn. It has easy pronunciations which are somewhat similar to the English language. It is one of the top 10 easy to learn languages in the world.

It is considered to be the language of romance. The dialect used by the Spanish-speaking people around the world is Castellian and thus Spanish is also known as Castellano.

With straightforward pronunciations and it being a descendant of Latin, people find it similar to that of the English language.

Won’t it be fun to learn some of the curse words in another language just in case you want to curse someone without them letting it know and also for light humor and not to be offensive? Or you wish to be well aware of the offensive words. Well, here we will discuss how to say fuck you in Spanish.

How to say fuck you in Spanish?

If we go by word to word translation then the word fuck in Spanish would be called Mierda, joder, coger, follar, or polvo and you would be called as usted.

But the phrase “fuck you” altogether would come as vete a la mierda, que tejodan, or folláis. Spanish can be confusing at times, don’t you agree?

So now you know how to say fuck you in Spanish. Vete a la mierda, que tejodan, or folláis are the Spanish Translation of the phrase “fuck you”.

Spanish curse words:

There are a few words that are considered curse words in the Spanish language.

  1. Joder which means fuck.
  2. Carajo which means damn it.
  3. Coger which means to fuck.
  4. Idiota which means dumbass.

The list is long. But here are the few words one must know that might be hurting or insulting when used without the knowledge of its meaning.

Now that you know the translation of fuck you in Spanish be careful where and when to use it.

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