How to say good afternoon in Spanish

Every country or state has its language. Firstly before going on any trip we should know the local language of the specific area or state or country.

While it is daunting to visit a new country and have a language barrier, learning the basics of the local language can boost your confidence and help you to connect to the local people and culture.

And if not visiting any foreign land, it is always good to learn new languages and it can be a great flex.

Consider you are going to travel in Spanish-speaking land or you want to greet someone in Spanish so the question arises how to say good afternoon in Spanish?


Whenever we speak, we use pronouns to refer to ourselves or others. Whenever you are trying to speak with a local to convey an idea or ask a question, you need to have your Spanish pronouns memorized.

Pronouns are also important because it gives you and other people identity, which also demonstrates your respect for others and their culture.

How to say good afternoon in Spanish or how to greet people in Spanish? 

When you are on the go you are bound to meet lots of people on your travels. Whether you are greeting strangers or connecting with friends and family, it’s important to learn how to properly greet other people.

Be sure you use these before asking questions as most Spanish countries will be more open to dialogue if you greet them properly.

Hello – hola (oh – lah)

Good morning – buenos dias

Good afternoon – buenastardes

Good evening – buenasnoches

Good bye – adios

good night – buenasnoches

So now answering the question, How to say good afternoon in Spanish, you can greet someone saying Buenastardes. buenas means good and tardes means afternoon.

Or can say holaBuenastardes which means Hello, Good Afternoon!

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