How to Tag Someone on Linkedin

LinkedIn is a professional social networking site and it helps you find a job as you can showcase in that your education, your certifications, your previous jobs, and your skills.

It is an extremely useful site as it can not only assist you in finding a job but also to connect with your colleagues or recruiters that search so as to find the suitable person for the job they want.

What exactly is a tag and why may you want to use this?

What exactly is a tag and why may you want to use this

A tag is when you mention a person or a connection in a post or comment of yours. You may want to tag someone for a variety of reasons, for example, you may want to thank someone for their contribution to something.

Tagging a person or a connection to a post or comment of yours encourages engagement with your posts and your comments. The person or the connection you have tagged will be notified that your post or your comment is relevant to them.

The only case that they won’t receive any notification is if they have turned off this notification setting.

Of course, you need to know that the connections or people you tag in your post or comment are associated with their profiles and the viewers can click on any of those (the connection’s or the person’s name) and that enables them to navigate to their profiles.

Another thing we need to mention here is that members of LinkedIn don’t have to be your connection in order for you to tag them or for them to tag you.

Now, let’s check out the process you need to follow if you want to tag someone on LinkedIn.

In case you are using your desktop, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • First, you need to go to your LinkedIn homepage, and click the “Start a post” option or if it has to do with a comment you need to click the “Comment” that appears at the bottom of someone else’s post.
  • Then, you have to type “@” and after that, you have to start typing the name of the person or the connection you want to add. Then there will appear a list of the potential people and connections you may want to tag according to what you have typed.
  • From the list that appears, just click the name of the person you want to tag and continue with typing your post or comment. It doesn’t necessarily have to be one person. You may want to tag more people. In that case, just click all the names of the people you want to tag.

In case you are using your mobile, the process you need to follow if you want to tag someone on LinkedIn, is as follows:

  • First, you need to tap the “Write a post” that is located at the top of the screen or “Post” that is on the navigation bar or if it has to do with a comment, you need to tap on the “Comment” that appears at the bottom of someone else’s post.
  • Then, type “@” or tap it from your keyboard.
  • After that, you should start typing the name of the person or the connection you want to tag. It doesn’t have to be necessarily just one person. You may want to tag more people. Just tap on the name of the person or the people you want to tag (from the list of the potential people you may want to tag according to what you have typed, that appears) and continue typing your post or comment.

When you have finished with your post or your comment, the person or the people that you have tagged will receive an email and a notification that you have tagged them.


In this article, we have discussed what a tag is, why you may want to tag someone, and finally, what is the process you need to follow in order to tag someone on LinkedIn.

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