Is soft water safe to drink

Today we will know “Is soft water safe to drink?” Now you are in the right place to get the right questions’ answer. We are here for you, in this article we also try to provide the answer to your question.

Is soft water safe to drink

Yes, drinking soft water is completely safe. You can drink soft water if you want. It is important to drink soft water to keep our bodies healthy.

If you drink soft water regularly, you can be free from various diseases. With healthy properties for the body, water does not heal but it helps everything to work better, especially if it is low in salts and calcium carbonate.

What is Natural mineral water?

Natural mineral water is a drink that does not receive chemical treatments. It reaches us with the same purity, mineral composition and properties possessed by nature.

But you are probably wondering, how is natural mineral water-born? With the thaw and the rain, the water slowly seeps between the rocks of the mountains.

And it is through this underground route that it obtains the minerals and trace elements that make it unique.

The main benefits of natural mineral water

  • It is natural: as we mentioned earlier, it comes from underground aquifers where rainwater filtered through the rocks is stored. This makes it water-free from any contamination and with a perfect balance. The companies in this sector are in charge, above all, of extracting it without losing the balance of the springs and the environment in general. They also ensure that when packaged it continues to have its authentic properties.
  • It is pure: natural mineral water has a bacteriological and microbiological purity that allows it to be packaged or consumed as is, without the need for chemical disinfection treatments. You also don’t need to boil it, for example, to cook.
  • It is healthy: this type of water does not provide calories, but it does provide nutrients and other substances necessary on a day-to-day basis for a healthy body. Cellular activity benefits and this helps to excrete waste substances, eliminate toxins, promote digestion, prevent constipation, regulate body temperature, and maintain proper kidney function.
  • It has a constant composition: its flavor will always be the same, as will the quality of its minerals and other components. This does not mean that all mineral waters are the same, however, as long as you drink one, you will know what nutrients it provides and the benefits that are generated in your body.

Soft, hard or low salt water

We learned it in ‘school’: water is a colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid, but it is not entirely true. There are different types of water: with more or fewer amounts of minerals and calcium; low in sodium, which is recommended for newborns; or rich in bicarbonate, optimal for those who have digestion problems.

There is water for each body, and taking into account that the recommendation is to drink two liters a day. It is interesting to know the options that exist and their benefits.

The weaker mineral salts the better. The labeling indicates its quantity: it is considered very weak if it is equal to or less than 50 milligrams per liter; low, when it is less than or equal to 500; or medium, when it is equal to or less than 1,500 and strong when it is greater than 1,500.

The most valued is very soft water, less than 50 milligrams per liter; soft water carries around 100 milligrams per liter; low hardness is 150.
Hard water is considered the worst that whose labeling indicates the amount equal to or less than 450 milligrams per liter; and very hard, equal to or less than 800.

As for types of mineral waters, those with a contribution of bicarbonates greater than 600 milligrams per liter, help digestion and improve the activity of the gallbladder and liver.

Sulfated waters, with more than 200 milligrams per liter of sulfates, have a slightly bitter taste, benefit the skin and the digestive system.
In the case of obesity, anemia or rheumatism problems, it is advisable to opt for ferruginous waters, with more than 1mg / l of iron.


That’s it for now. I hope you understand what we trying to explain. If you have any kind of doubt about your question answer, don’t be hesitate just ask us by comments.

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