Carnations instant breakfast nutrition facts

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Carnations instant breakfast nutrition facts

There are 469 calories in 100 g in Carnations instant breakfast. Nutrition facts in below…

Nutritional Info

  • Portion size: 100 g
  • Energy: 469 kcal
  • Protein: 15.00g
  • Carbohydrates: 56.00g
  • Sugar: 45.00g
  • Grease: 20.60g
  • Saturated fat: 4,200g
  • Sodium: 300mg

Nutritional Summary:









  • There are 469 calories in 100 g.
  • Calorie Breakdown: 39% fat , 48% carb, 13% protein.

How to have a healthy and nutritious breakfast

Sweet or savory, according to your preferences, a healthy breakfast is the best way to start the day. If you have underestimated it so far, drinking a coffee on the fly, we want to convince you to change your habits.

We have collected for you not only the reasons to revolutionize your first meal of the day but also what really cannot be missing on your plate (and in the cup!). Find out what’s best for you and the rest of your family, and what’s best to avoid. Get ready for many energetic and healthy breakfasts!

Why is it important to have breakfast?

There is one thing that almost all doctors and nutritionists in the world agree on: having a healthy breakfast is a fundamental rule for following a correct eating style.

According to the latest official data from the Ministry of Health, disseminated and commented on by the Veronesi Foundation, in Italy 14% of people skip the first meal of the day and many of them are children. This is a mistake that risks affecting daily activities and even mood.

There are many reasons why having breakfast is important: here are the main ones.

  • After the long night fast, the body needs to regain physical vigor and mental clarity thanks to food.
  • Many studies have shown that a healthy breakfast has a positive effect on brain function, particularly in children.
  • Eating immediately after waking up promotes better glycemic control and in general a better nutritional balance.
  • By having a healthy breakfast, you can keep your weight under control and reduce your cardiovascular risk.

Healthy breakfast: a complete mix

To be considered truly balanced, breakfast must include fruit and cereals (even better if whole), which contain carbohydrates and fiber. These nutrients allow our body to receive a source of energy that is immediately used, but at the same time, they also give a sense of satiety. In the typical Italian breakfast, there is usually also milk or yogurt.

Both contain proteins, fats and micronutrients that help create a complete mix. If you are intolerant or by choice you prefer to avoid milk and derivatives, you can always opt for vegetable drinks based on soy, rice, oats, almonds and other nuts.

Don’t forget that your body also needs hydration, as it’s 55-60% water.

During the night you sweat and your water supply is low: this is why it is advisable to drink a couple of glasses of plain water immediately after turning off the alarm. Then continue with your favorite drink, preferably unsweetened, such as green tea or orange juice.


That’s it for now. I hope you understand what we trying to explain. If you have any kind of doubt about your question answer, don’t be hesitate just ask us by comments.

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