What Do Baby Snapping Turtles Eat


Those of you who have an aquarium must have thought about keeping a turtle at least once. Turtles are cute to keep as pets. All species are not suitable for home pets, but baby snapping turtles come on top choices.

But you will have to take good care of them at least for the first few years. Therefore this question might com what do baby snapping turtles eat. Then follow the article for some brief answers.

Types of Snapping Turtles

There are two types of snapping turtles in America. Common Snapping Turtle and Alligator Snapping Turtle. The common snapping turtles can live at every corner in America.

But the Alligator snapping turtles are now a rare creature. If you wish to have one, you have to get a specially authorized license to use the turtle for educational purposes. Also, You will have to ensure that the turtle is kept out of harm’s way.

Eating Habits of Snapping Turtle

What Do Baby Snapping Turtles Eat

Snapping turtles are omnivore means they can eat both meat and veggies. But if you have a baby snapping turtle, you will have to feed it more meat. It needs more protein than an adult needs, at least for the first 6 months. 

But if you are keeping it as a pet, you can feed it vegetables, fruits. The snapping turtle is known as hunters. It will attack anything moving in front of its mouth. Usually, it eats small fish, shrimp, and small mice as they grow.

What to Give to Pet Baby Snapper Turtle

Snapping turtles are pretty easy to handle as pets. They are not very picky, so that you can feed them anything. They eat leaves and fruits, but they like meat more than greens. So you can feed them with worms, dried fish, dried shrimp, and other bugs.

Most of the pet shops will already have the foods for snapping turtles. So, you don’t have to go into the wild to search for its food. Also, you will find artificial food for snapping turtles in pet shops or online shops. Just find the right food that will ensure balanced nutrition and protein for your baby turtle’s growth.

But don’t let it build the habit of eating meats only. Keep leafy food in the tank, so it keeps appetite for having greens. Also, you can try granule and flakes. If you give them more meat, they will grow faster to keep the size in control add fruits. 

One thing to remember is as your baby turtle ages. You will have to decrease the amount of protein. Most pet owners get a turtle in excitement, but a space issue arises once it gets fully grown. So, if you keep less protein in its diet, then the turtle will grow slowly. 

Can a turtle live without feeding

Surprisingly yes. A grown turtle can live for 180 days without any food or water. Though its body will lose a lot of nutrients, you can keep a turtle unfeed. 


Snapping turtles are very aggressive. You will have to keep them in a different tank than your fishes. Also, the specialist recommends keeping two snapping turtles in individual tanks.

Because if the snapping turtles get into a fight, only one of them will come out alive. I hope you get the idea about what do baby snapping turtles eat from our source.

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