How to Add Courses on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional social networking site and it helps you find a job as you can showcase in that your education, your certifications, your previous jobs, and your skills.

As this site helps you find a job and connect to recruiters and potential employers that are in search of an employee, you can easily infer that adding your courses on your LinkedIn profile is an effective way to showcase your knowledge, your skills, and the educational achievements you have accomplished.

Why adding your courses to your LinkedIn profile is important?

Why adding your courses to your LinkedIn profile is important

LinkedIn is a professional social networking site that people use in order to find a job, to connect with their colleagues or potential employers and they can also apply for a job on the site.

Adding your courses on your LinkedIn profile is extremely important because all those people and especially recruiters and potential employers will get to know your experience and the knowledge you have so this may bring you closer to the purpose of this site, namely to find a job.

But what is the process you need to follow in order to add your courses on LinkedIn? Let’s find out.

How can you add courses on LinkedIn?

In case you are using your desktop and you want to add courses on your LinkedIn, here is the process you have to follow:

  • First, you need to go to your LinkedIn homepage and click the “Me” icon that appears at the top.
  • Then, click the “View profile” option.
  • At the top right there should appear the “Add new profile section” option. When you find it, click it!
  • Choose the “Accomplishments” option and scroll down until you find the “Courses” option and click it.
  • Finally, fill in the necessary details (for example, the course name and whether it has to do with your working experience or your educational background) that are needed and once you’re done click “Save” and repeat as many times as you wish in order to add all your courses.

In case you are using your mobile and you want to add your courses on your LinkedIn, you have to follow these steps:

  • First, you need to go to your LinkedIn profile and tap your profile picture.
  • Then, tap the “View profile” option.
  • At the top right there should appear the “Add new profile section” option. When you find it, tap it!
  • Choose the “Accomplishments” option and scroll down until you find the “Courses” option and tap it.
  • Finally, fill in the necessary details that are needed (for example, the course name and whether it has to do with your working experience or your educational background) and once you’re done tap “Save” and repeat as many times as you wish in order to add all your courses.


In this article, we have explained how important it is to add your courses to your LinkedIn profile, but most importantly, we have gone through the process you need to follow in order to add courses on LinkedIn, either using your desktop or your mobile.

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