How to Unsubscribe from Linkedin Premium

LinkedIn is a professional social networking site and it helps you find a job as you can showcase in that your education, your certifications, your previous jobs, and your skills.

This site gives you the opportunity to find a job and it offers a lot of great features and memberships that you can take advantage of.

Of course, you can go for the free basic membership or you can choose the Premium membership. Let’s check out what the LinkedIn premium is and what you have to do in case you no longer want to take advantage of it.

What is the LinkedIn premium and how can it help you find a job?

What is the LinkedIn premium and how can it help you find a job

The LinkedIn Premium is a membership that LinkedIn offers which provides a lot of benefits including a premium profile, email messages, learning courses that LinkedIn provides, insight into who has viewed your profile, advanced search, and a lot more.

As you can infer, these are all important and necessary to help you find a job so anyone may consider getting the LinkedIn premium membership.

But what do you have to do if you want to unsubscribe from LinkedIn premium? Let’s find out.

Before we mention the process you need to follow to unsubscribe from LinkedIn premium, we need to note that you can only cancel your subscription from the Premium using your desktop.

The only exception is the case that you have purchased your LinkedIn Premium subscription from iTunes and we will mention the process you need to follow in this case too, later.

First and foremost, let’s check out the process you need to follow in order to unsubscribe from LinkedIn premium using your desktop. The steps are the following:

  • First, you need to go to your LinkedIn homepage and click the “Me” option that appears at the top of the page.
  • Then, you need to click on the “Access my Premium” option and then the “Manage Premium account”.
  • At this point, you should be redirected to the “Premium Subscription Settings”.
  • Then, you need to click the “Cancel subscription” that appears under the “Manage subscription” option.
  • Finally, follow the instructions mentioned there in order to unsubscribe from LinkedIn premium.

Now let’s check out the process you need to follow in order to unsubscribe from LinkedIn premium in case you have purchased it via iTunes.

  • After opening your iTunes, you need to open the “Subscription Management Settings page”.
  • Then, after you have found your LinkedIn Premium Subscription, you have to click on the “Cancel subscription” option and then you need to confirm that you indeed want to unsubscribe. When you have confirmed that, you’re done.


In this article we have gone through the LinkedIn premium, namely what it is, what benefits it offers but most importantly.

We have checked out the process you need to follow in case you want to unsubscribe from LinkedIn premium either using your desktop or your iTunes in case that you had initially purchased your Premium subscription via iTunes.

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